
Fiction, 19 minutes
Original version: French (Bhaï-bhaï)
English subtitles (Bhaï-bhaï)

Producers: Oliver Klein and Malcolm Guy
© 2005 Rochdale and Productions Multi-Monde
Distribution: La Luna Distribution (ONF) and Diffusion Multi-Monde


Dear Mama, I miss you – and India – a great deal. Don’t worry, everything is fine here. In fact, it’s so much fun here I often feel like singing. I may see you very soon since a friend at the airline company has offered me a seat. It’s only one way. But I’ll work things out, you’ll see.

Laurel-Wreath Awards received at over 20 film festivals, such as:
Best Short, Festival Les Musicals, Béziers, France, 2006
Prix Rhône-Alpes, Festival international du court métrage de Vileurbanne, France, 2005


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